Return conditions
To request a return, please make sure to comply with the following terms:
You may return any item(s) up to Thirty (30) days from the delivery date of your order.
For online orders, justinplacek will refund the entire amount of the order when the item is returned new and unworn, with its original packaging and accessories (boxes, packaging, tags, booklets, etc.), and accompanied by a copy of the receipt, the return slip, and the security tag intact. Worn, used, altered or damaged items will be refused.
The parcel can only be returned from the original shipping country, or in the delivery country for returns in store.
The products were purchased online on and not in justinplacek stores. Please note that, in accordance with the General Sales Conditions, some categories of products, such as personalised products, cannot be returned
Returning a purchase
If you change your mind, your order can be returned within the next thirty (30) days from the delivery date of your order :
1. Fill in the return slip to let us know which products you would like to return and the reason why.
2. Prepare the items you wish to return in the original order box. Kindly ensure the products have all their packaging and accessories, that the security tag and seal are intact and that the return box is safely sealed. Please enclosed the return document.
3. To request a return, you need to call our customer service at ++49 (0) 40 633 17 350. (no additional charge) to arrange a suitable date and address: the courier will collect the package from wherever you wish (The parcel can only be returned from the original shipping country). Return shipping is free of charge.
4. Stick the pre-paid DHL shipping label on the box over the previous delivery information. This pre-paid shipping label was included in the package when it was originally sent to you.
The products can be also returned to a justinplacek store of the original shipping country.
Before requesting a return please make sure the products comply with our return conditions. Hantritt does not exchange any products purchased online.
Gift items can be returned by contacting the person who sent you the gift or, if you prefer, through our customer service at +49 (0) 40 633 17 350. (no additional charge)
Refund Timing
Once we receive your returned items, and after verification and validation by our Quality Department, we will process your refund within 30 days at the latest. Exact timing will depend on banking procedures.
Hantritt reserves the right to refuse at its discretion any returned items that do not meet the conditions defined above.
You will receive an email confirming acceptance of the return.
The refund will be issued as soon as possible after the return has been accepted, directly to the card or PayPal account used for the original purchase, and in the same currency.
In-store Returns
You are also entitled to return products ordered via to a justinplacek store in Germany, for a maximum of Thirty (30) calendar days following the date of delivery.
To return your item(s), please follow the steps listed below:
Please ensure the products have all their packaging and accessories, that the security tag and seal are intact and that the return box is safely sealed. Please enclosed the return document Pack the products in the original order box without sealing the package;
After verification of your returned articles in stores, and validation by our Quality Department, you will receive a confirmation document to keep until you receive the email with refund confirmation
Larusmiani will not credit the refund to your credit or debit card at that time.
Online returns can be brought to and processed to:
Placek Classics GmbH, Justin Placek, Hanskampring 19a-b, 22885 Barsbüttel.